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Asceticism and Generosity

Questions and Answers
Imam al-Ghazali states that the essence of asceticism is generosity. What is the relationship between asceticism and generosity?
| The Fountain | Issue 161 (Sep - Oct 2024)

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Asceticism and Generosity

In This Article

  • Asceticism can also be approached from Bediuzzaman’s perspective as “renouncing the world not in action but in the heart.”
  • Generosity should not be understood solely as providing food, drink, or financial assistance. The scope of generosity is much broader, encompassing all forms of giving, good wishes, and goodwill towards others.

Asceticism (zuhd), in essence, involves renouncing worldly pleasures and completely removing the desires for the material world from one’s heart. A person who practices asceticism is known as an ascetic (zahid). An ascetic defines their relationship with the world based on necessity and need. They only seek the strength and energy required to perform their worship, explore spiritual realms, and focus on their ultimate spiritual goals. Their main aim is to achieve the pleasure of God and eternal happiness in the afterlife. However, they also understand that maintaining a balanced approach to...

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